How to reduce your chance of getting diabetes

getting diabetes

Thankfully, there are lots of things you can take to reduce the likelihood that you may get diabetes. In the end, it comes down to breaking unhealthy behaviors and adopting better ones. This article examines the risk factors for type 2 diabetes and provides tips for reducing them.

The dangers you cannot escape first

Prior to focusing on the things that can lower your risk of diabetes, keep in mind that certain risk factors are out of your control. As an illustration:

  • Race: People of African, Indian, Asian, and Hispanic/Latino descent are particularly at risk of acquiring diabetes.
  • Family history: You are more likely to get diabetes if you have a close relative who has the condition.
  • Age: After the age of forty, most persons have a higher risk of developing diabetes.
  • Gestational diabetes: women who get the disease during their pregnancy are more likely to get it again in the future.

Manage the risks of diabetes

However, there are a number of manageable strategies you may take to lower your chance of getting diabetes, or at least postpone its beginning.

Lose weight:

People who are overweight or obese are more likely to acquire prediabetes, particularly if their additional weight is concentrated around their abdomen. This is because the body may become more insulin resistant as a result of the excess fat cells.

It has been discovered that some of the more recent drugs are highly helpful in helping people lose weight and slow the progression of type 2 diabetes in people who already have prediabetes. Discuss with your medical team if you think you would benefit from taking these drugs.

Read Also: Diabetes treatment, cancer, and diabetes. Is that a connection?

Butt off:

Compared to nonsmokers, smokers have a 30% to 40% increased risk of type 2 diabetes. If that’s not enough to motivate you to give up smoking, keep in mind that smoking raises your risk of kidney and cardiovascular disease. Your medical professionals might be a great resource for aiding in your smoking cessation.

Your dietary choices are crucial for preventing diabetes. Your risk of type 2 diabetes can be decreased by eating more whole foods such fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and fewer processed, added-sugar, and white starchy foods. A Mediterranean diet has also been shown to be effective in preventing the condition, according to substantial clinical data.

Regular exercise:

Including regular exercise in your lifestyle can significantly lower your chance of developing diabetes. As a matter of fact, losing weight, eating well, and exercising together can lower your risk by 60%. It equates to 2.5 hours of moderate-to-intense exercise per week for people (18–64 years old).

Keep an eye on portion sizes:

Our blood sugar levels are tightly correlated with the quantity of food we eat. When it comes to food, quantity is just as crucial as quality, if not more so. Consuming more food than your body requires will cause extra calories to be stored as fat, which will eventually cause weight gain.

For this reason, it’s critical to monitor your portion sizes to avoid overindulging. When deciding how much and what kind of food to put on your plate during mealtimes, the plate method is a useful tool.

Reduce your alcohol intake:

Two significant factors make drinking alcohol more likely to increase your risk of type 2 diabetes: 1) excessive drinking can lower your body’s sensitivity to insulin, and 2) alcohol has a high calorie content that can raise your risk of weight gain. Your medical staff can assist you in reducing your alcohol use!

Boost your vitamin D intake:

It’s probable that you’ve heard of vitamin D’s ability to strengthen muscles and fight infection. Diabetes and insulin resistance have also been connected by researchers to low vitamin D levels. Consult your healthcare professional for guidance on the best ways to improve your vitamin D consumption before deciding to use supplements.

The key to preventing diabetes is raising awareness. You can lower your chance of acquiring diabetes by implementing healthy behaviors into your lifestyle and being mindful of what you eat and how you live.

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