One of the most important aspects of diabetes management is eating well. Contrary to popular belief, this does not imply that you have to give up all of your favorite foods. It also doesn’t include introducing you to a ton of unfamiliar cuisine.
Making healthier substitutions when meal planning for diabetes might really help you keep eating some of your favorite foods. Even if they are thought of as healthier options, it’s crucial to pay attention to portion sizes so that the number of calories per serving is suitable for your meal plan.
Choosing foods with more fiber can help you control your blood sugar levels; foods lower in fat can help you manage your weight and cholesterol; and foods lower in salt can help you control your blood pressure.
Foods with higher fiber content or lower sugar, fat, or sodium content than the alternatives listed in the “Instead of this” columns can be found in the “Choose this” columns below. To determine whether you’ll genuinely miss the meal that was substituted, try some of the healthier options. You might be shocked to learn that you really like the healthier choice!
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